2012년 5월 24일 목요일

FF14 replica

FF14 replica
It is also lowpoly modeling.

using tool
 Max, Zbrush, photoshop, Mental-ray

Conan the Babarian_another shot

another shot~!

It is also lowpoly modeiling, I designed this as a in-game data.
Tri count is about 15,000 without the background objects.

using tool
Max, Zbrush, photoshop, Mental-ray

2012년 5월 16일 수요일

Conan the babarian

Conan the Babarian

This is also my very personal work.
Low polygon Modeling and this is suit for Ingame data.
Rendered by Mental ray.
Using tools are 3d Max, Zbrush, bodypaint and photoshop.

Nowadays I'm nearly freelancer so I make this for my portforlio.
Soon as I finish the other scean, I will update the other scean and work flow.

Any contact would be welcome~~!

Thanks S1 studio.

2012년 5월 15일 화요일

Tommy Lee Jones

Tommy Lee Jones

using tool : Zbrush

I was very impressed by the movie MIB. This is very personal work.